Instant satisfaction. Thats what extensions should be called. When you spend the last year or maybe 5 growing your hair and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere there is NO better feeling then getting a long lush full head of hair extensions within 2 hours time. What are the most popular types of hair extensions? 1. Tape extensions- by…
Are you wishing you could run your hands through what feels like a hay for hair? A.K.A dry hair. Now dry hair can be useful for one thing. VOLUME but if Dolly Parton ain’t your hair hero and you need to tame the tresses here are some ways to improve on whatever the heck you did or didn’t do to…
I friggin LOVE Sundays in Winter and deciding what I’d like to do with my day off. (Yep I’m kid free, don’t hate) And sometimes I get a little stumped with what I should do so Ive written 10 things I love to do and you may like too 😉 Its Sunday after all and we don’t want to think…

Berry Beauty This week I got the honour of styling the hair for the beautiful group of women that made up the styled shoot put on by A little Bohemia in their amazing studio around the corner from our shop. A little Bohemia has been a big part of The Nest decor supplying all our beautiful weekly flowers from the…

As a hairdresser I’ve always known that postpartum hair loss is normal in the months after your baby is born. However, when it happens to you its hard not to feel self conscience and worried that you will be left with no hair at all. Rest assured this type of hairloss should settle down after around 6-12 months. Â In the…

Finally after the much anticipated release of the new Olaplex shampoo and Olaplex Conditioner and then what seemed like a lifetime to actually have it in our hands we finally had it in our hands 2 weeks ago. The first thing I did when I got it was open and smell it. Is that what you do too?LOL Scent means…

OLAPLEX No. 4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo and No. 5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner  has officially launched in Australia! You can finally stop praying and to the hair Gods for that miracle Olaplex Shampoo and Olaplex Conditioner to go with your beloved Olaplex No.3 Treatment. For those of you who don’t know  what Olaplex is: Olaplex was a total Godsend of a…

Wow. It’s crazy what you can do when you put your heart into it. This year I shot my first Hair collection to enter Hair Expo WA/NT Hairdresser of the year. Honestly with no idea what anyone else is entering I had a lot of self doubt but guess what?! I made Finals! To be head to head with the…

We all go there. Usually various times a year… Should I or Shouldn’t I get a fringe. What you need to know before chopping a big piece of your hair in the most noticeable spot on your head. I had the girls at work tone my hair a to beautiful Ash tone last week but I hated it because Ash…

I don’t know about you but I absolutely love the start of winter and new season means new hair and fashion yay! Time to get out your favourite comfy jeans, cute boots and its finally not too hot to blow-dry your hair! Shop these amazing new Blow-dry prods great for all hair colours Brunette and Blonde alike… Your Hair Assistant….