
Hair Extensions

Instant satisfaction. Thats what extensions should be called. When you spend the last year or maybe 5 growing your hair and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere there is NO better feeling then getting a long lush full head of hair extensions within 2 hours time. What are the most popular types of hair extensions? 1. Tape extensions- by…

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Dry Hair Hacks

Are you wishing you could run your hands through what feels like a hay for hair? A.K.A dry hair. Now dry hair can be useful for one thing. VOLUME but if Dolly Parton ain’t your hair hero and you need to tame the tresses here are some ways to improve on whatever the heck you did or didn’t do to…

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Winter Days

I friggin LOVE Sundays in Winter and deciding what I’d like to do with my day off. (Yep I’m kid free, don’t hate) And sometimes I get a little stumped with what I should do so Ive written 10 things I love to do and you may like too 😉 Its Sunday after all and we don’t want to think…

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The Best Perth Hair Extensions

Long thick hair seems to be a dream for so many women in Perth. So many that we really needed to incorporate another method of Perth Hair Extensions to be available. Our latest endeavour being the first Perth Hand Tied Extensions. Now we have been offering Tape Hair Extensions for years however, long term we find these extensions to more…

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Things to do while social distancing

Heres a list of some feel good things to do while social distancing 🙂 Work on that booty! Try Tams Booty Bingo and challenge a friend to get it done with you over the week.( if you saw Tams Butt you’d be following her every word) Support a small Pilates or Yoga studio by signing up for an online class….

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