
Winter Days

By September 11, 2024 October 19th, 2024 No Comments

I friggin LOVE Sundays in Winter and deciding what I’d like to do with my day off. (Yep I’m kid free, don’t hate) And sometimes I get a little stumped with what I should do so Ive written 10 things I love to do and you may like too 😉 Its Sunday after all and we don’t want to think too hard here.


1.Morning Coffee in a bubble bath. Its morning time so it sounds weird but its the best. Its a bit early for wine but a mimosa would be totally ok too.


2.Get a 30 min massage at a drop in place (go to the mall over the dodgy looking one wit the blinking open sign 24/7. Trust me. Also remember its totally ok to tell them that you don’t like having your spine massaged with their elbow and more people need to voice this clearly LOL Bet you are jumping outta bed right now to go! Nah honestly best cheap/fast indulgence that doesn’t stack on calories.


3.Meal Prep! You know how you keep saying that your going to eat better next week. Well todays that day you start puttin’ your big talk into action instead of your waistline. Go buy yourself some cute containers so that your tuna salads look way more fun then they actually are. This is mine from last week. I actually love doing this kinda feels like I’m making crafts with my food.

4.Organise that Tupperware cupboard. You are never going to find the containers to match all the lids. Time to say goodbye and hello to that 5 minutes you will get back everyday NOT looking for matching lids to containers. Theres also usually a stack of goodies at work if you wanna “borrow” some new ones. Lets be honest thats probably how yours went missing in the first place.

5.Play with your dog! Make in indoor obstacle course for your dog and teach them how. Because its actually super fun and it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy and less guilty when they give you those sad puppy eyes all night. Use some good treats they love to get them to go over chairs, under tables and whatever else you can think of. Another favourite doggie game I love is Hide N Seek Treats! Teach your dog to stay in one spot and show them you have treats. Make them stay while you hide them around the house and on your command tell them to find them. Try by making it a bit easy at first and give lots of praise when they find one. Just make sure you have a firm “game over” when its over 🙂

6.Cull your clothes. Just think the more you cull the more room you have to buy more! Its such a good feeling to get rid of that ketchup stained white dress that you slopped your Maccas all over that one late night… You won’t miss it. In fact you will be relieved to not have to remember how many Maccas Uber rides you really have had.

7.Fix yo mop. Give your hair the little love your hairdresser told you to when they recommended you upkeep your hair health with at home treatments. If they didn’t you can get some pretty bloody awesome ones HERE. My favourite for my blonde locks is a double treatment so I can nourish both the inside and outside of my hair. I start with using Olaplex no.3 for 30 minutes because it helps rebuild bonds inside the hair shaft. THEN shampoo TWICE(always shampoo twice as a hairdresser rule) and then top it off with something super moisturising like THIS for 10 minutes. Make sure you at least blast dry your hair after so you don’t get greasy roots( it makes a huge difference). May as well polish those toes while your at it. Ladies toes should never go unpolished.

8. Finally reading your favourite book without feeling guilty about not doing something else would be nice wouldn’t it? Just make sure you go all out, pot of tea, comfy clothes, candle lit, mellow background music… and if its a sunny day bring a rug and pillow to your nearest park paired with you favourite wine and enjoy some fresh air.

9. Grow your favourite veggie or herb! Someone just bought me some broccoli seedlings yesterday because “you eat so much of it” And now I’m strangely excited to plant it and hopefully get a mini greens harvest. And now the plan is to grow the things we eat the most as I believe it will give us a bit more motivation to get in the garden. Starting small with 2-3 veggies so I don’t make too much work or get overwhelmed and kill them all.